
Friday, November 16, 2012

Another gift idea...

What do home made bread (or cake), a picture frame and a Craft-Dee BowZ share in common?  What?  This woman has finally crawled over the edge.  Not so, my friends!  How often during the holidays do we bring out the "secret recipe for Grandma's Wonder Cake" and start that baking marathon to give as gifts to friends, relatives and maybe a few enemies thrown in?  Well, instead of just handing over the plastic wrapped cake with a smile, why not purchase an inexpensive picture frame (Dollar store!), place either a picture in it or a stamped image (in this case) and wrap the whole thing using your Craft-Dee BowZ!  See? I'm not completely crazy.  Here's what it looks like...

Yum!  Looks pretty and there's an extra gift that keeps on giving after all Grandma's crumbs have been scarfed down!

And here's the bottom just to prove that it's a picture frame...

And here's a close-up of the bow...

Review my video on "Wrapping a Package" for instructions.  Now admit it, doesn't this have a WOW factor for your recipient?  You can dazzle them with your bowmaking skills as well as your cooking skills, of course.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving if I don't post before then!
