
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Hi Everyone,

Barbara here with the 1st Tuesday of the month post.

Well I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Now I guess it's back to the same ole routine.

The Designers theme here at CDB for January is Love and since my little Buddie (my cat) is not feeling up to par, I decided to use this cute image of the little girl and her cat.

I decided to make a 3 loop bow. I was aiming for a bow that would not overwhelm this card. I think this looks OK

 I made an easel card 'cause they are so fun to make and send (and get too). I love these cards, no measuring  for the most part, and they look great opened and I think a bow works well with these card styles too.

You know with the Craft-Dee BowZ tool you can make any sized  bow, from 1' to 4 1/2". These sizes are perfect for cards, scrapbook pages and even wrapped gifts.  You can order yours here.

Don't forget to enter a card or project in the CDB monthly challenge. The theme is always Anything Goes with a Handmade Bow. Our January sponsor is Cute As A Button and the prize for the challenge winner is two digi images. Love their images

Next Tuesday Vicki will be posting and she will be using a darling Cute As A Button image. Mark your calendar and come back to check her project out. (I snuck, or is it sneaked, a peek and her project is adorable, You will love it.)

Thanks for stopping in today.