
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A is for Autumn and Apples!

It's the 4th Tuesday in September and my day to be spotlighted on Craft-Dee BowZ challenge blog. I decided to make a shaker card, something I rarely do. I've stepped out of my comfort zone with this card!  I used this adorable image from Robyn's Fetish named Basket of Apples. Thank you, Donna, from Craft-Dee BowZ for the ribbon and those great red translucent beads that I used in my shaker!

And here's my red satin double looped bow. I've always loved ribbon on my cards and have more ribbon than I can use in my lifetime. And I've made bows for years, but I never made such pretty bows until I got my Craft-Dee BowZ bow maker. This little bow maker guarantees me great bows and I use it for every bow I make now. Whether it's a single looped bow or many loops...this little bow maker makes it easy as pie to create gorgeous bows.

Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More is proud to sponsor this challenge. They are a division of I Did It Creations, and was created and is owned by Robyn Weinrib. Robyn owns a wonderful variety of digital stamps and digital papers, designed to meet the needs of all digital paper crafting addicts for every occasion.

Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More is happy to award 3 digital stamps of the winner's choice to the winner of this challenge!!

I hope you've been watching the Design Team's creations posted each Tuesday at Craft-Dee BowZ challenge blog and if you've missed any of the projects this month, please scroll down below this post. Be ready to be delighted with the projects we each have done using an image from Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps And More!
